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Buy Airsoft Magazines


Do you need more Airsoft magazines? We have the best prize for Airsoft Magazines. 

- Magazines Real Cap: 30 bbs Black and grey.  

- Magazines Mid Cap M4 with handle in Black and Tan. It fits perfectly in the most of M4 models. Nylon of high quality, 140 bbs.

- Magazines M4 D-Day: you can configurate like you wish, 130 ó 35 bbs.

- Magazine AK E&L: 120 bbs in metalic Black. 

- Magazine G36 D-Day: 130 ó 35 bbs, you can configurate like you wish.

Algunos de los cargadores para pistola más vendidos:

- Cargador KP17 KJ Works gas 23 bolas: funcinona muy bien

- Cargador KP07/1911 KJ Works CO2

- Cargador de Gas extendido para Beretta 50 bolas

- Cargador Tokyo Marui MEU/Desert 28 bolas

Some of the best sellers magazines for Sniper:

- VSR 10 Action Army 50 bbs

- Magazine I96 MB01 25 bbss

Some of the best sellers Cartridges Shotgun:

- 6  Double Eagle cartridges shotgun

Accessories for magazines:

- Handle for M4 magazine: Tan and Black: for a quick extraction 

And more magazines!. Vsgun is your Airsoft store with the best online prices. 

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