The bbs is one of the most important elements of the Airsoft and many times they are forgotten and undervalued. A good bbs can greatly improve a standard replica and, on the other hand, a good replica can get much worse with a bbs that does not have the proper quality. In addition, a bbs of poor quality messes the precision inner barrel and it gives a more erratic flight and makes you lose distance. These are essential aspects in the Airsoft.
For this reason, in Vsgun we only sell the best possible brands of bbs and we always sell at the best online price available.
- G & G: It is perhaps the best known and best quality brand in the Airsoft world. Bbs with a great finish that offer great performance precision, flight and distance and all without leaving waste in the barrel. That's why we have one of the largest range of the G & G online market. With this range of weights you can buy the best option.
- Dual Code: A great brand within the Airsoft that has many fans. These bbs give a great sping to each shot making us gain a lot of distance. Buy the best variety of ball at the best price online.
- Raccon: A new brand within the Airsoft world, but which is hitting very hard. Because of its value for money, it is the best you can buy online.
These are the most prominent brands in our online store, all of them with a great quality and the best possible online price.
If you have any doubt which bbs may be the best for you, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can give you the best possible advice.
We are regular players of Airsoft and we love to try everything we have in the store to give the best possible service.
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