What are you waiting for completing your Airsoft equipment?. The Airsoft communications give us the realism that we are looking for when we are playing at Airsoft. In Vsgun we have created a selection of the best communications at the best price online, if you have doubts about which communication to choose, please look our catalog:
- PTT U94 Kenwood ZTactical: black colour, it is compatible with baofeng station.
- Opsmen Earmor M11 Fast Helmet: high quality, it is compatible with most of headphones.
- Earmor M51 PTT KeenWood: for Baofeng station and compatibles.
- Bowman Evo II Ztactical: black colour, we can communicate in real time with other players. Perfect free hands to recreate an Airsoft combat.
- Earmor M32 Headphones Tactical Hearing: Airsoft Helmet that amplifies the sound and protect us against the sounds above 82db. They are really comfortable.
- Earmor M32H Headphones Tactical Hearing: amplifies the sound between people, they are really comfortable and they have high quality.
- PTT Midland Ztactical: high quality and they are easy to insert.
- Earmor M52 PTT Midland
- PTT Motorola 1 pin Ztactical: plug of 2,4mm
Buy online at the best price. If you have any doubt, please contact us.
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