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Equipment Airsoft







Buy Airsoft Equipment

Don´t you have the latest Airsoft Equipment yet? We have everything you need to play immediately. In this section you will find:

- Safety glasses of the Bollé brand with anti-fog and anti scratch treatment called Platinium, Ultim8, Razor 3 glasses 
- Tactical Mechanix and Delta Tactis tactical gloves
- Straps with 1, 2 and 3 points in Black, OD Green and Tan
- Several Airsoft Pouches to store all your magazines and all that you need
- Tactical vests CQB, JPC with ballistic plates and Ciras
- Protective masks of high quality which resist the impacts of the bbs
- Transport covers to keep your replicas safe 
- Emerson helmet
- Airsoft camouflages: tapes, mimetic nets, etc.
- Knee and elbow pads to play comfortably
- Camelback to always stay hydrated in all your Airsoft games

Do not believe that we have forgotten your most faithful friend, ¡We also have dog vests!. Do you dare?. 
Buy all Airsoft equipment that you need in Vsgun to play in your next game. 







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