HOP UP CHAMBERS What are you waiting for buying the latest models of Hop Up Chambers?. In Vsgun we offer you a broad range of chambers at incredible prices. One of the most famous brands is Prowin. It offers us an excellent quality improving the compression of our Airsoft replica, thanks to its millimetric precision it gives us a high precision and if you want to improve the hope you can install in it a leva. Other products that you can buy in this section are:
- Hop Up Chamber M4 Prowin: of the mos purchased chambers by our clients, it has a cheap price and a good quality.
- Adjusting Wheel for pistol Hi- Capa M1911 Maple Leaf: it is perfect due to it allows you a great adjustment.
- Adjusting Wheel for Glock series Maple Leaf: tested in Glock Marui and KJ Works, good hope.
- CNC Chamber Prowin Retro Arms type: made of high resistance aluminium, high finishes
And more chambers for not stop buying at incredible prices only in Vsgun
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