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Internal Airsoft Parts







Buy Airsoft Internal Parts








If you want to have the best Airsoft replica in your games, buy all the pieces you need from the best brands: Maple Leaf, Prometheus, Action Army, AirsofPro. Do not hesitate to upgrade your rifle! In Vsgun we have the best mechanics that will leave your replica ready to play. In this way, we have made a selection of the best pieces:

- Precision Inner Barrel Prometheus, Maple Leaf y Action Army
- Hop Up rubbers Maple Leaf, Guarder, Mad Bull and nubs. Choose the one that best suits the flight and precision for your Airsoft replica.
- We have the best-selling chambers in the market as the well-known brand Prowin
- Pistons and piston heads of the SHS brand
- Mosfets and electronic triggers of several brands such as Gate and Ascu of Airsoft Systems.
- Metalic CNC gears of 12:1, 13:1, 16:1, 18:1 
- The well-known Guarder spring
- Buy Guarder and SHS guarder

Do you know that we are specialists in greasing your replica of Specna Arms brand withour any additional cost?. If you want to have the best replica in you Airsoft game, do not hesitate to contact us.


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