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Anti-liquid and anti-dust protection glasses. Integral frame with great panoramic vision, equipped with upper and lower ventilation holes that reinforce its anti-fog treatment. Its design, smaller than a conventional goggle, makes it ideal for those users who do not need to use it over corrective glasses.


- Closed glasses with elastic band
- Brand: Pegasus
- Ventilation holes
- Panoramic vision
- Transparent color
- Anti-fog
- Anti-scratch
- Resists a steel ball of 6mm diameter and 0.86g at 120 m/s

Do you think of LITE 20 PEGASO GLASSES
Jorge 22/05/2023
Compactas, seguras y cierran increíble. al tener una goma muy cómodas en la cara. Si eres de los que prefiere seguridad antes que estética y algo económico sin lugar a dudas. Recomiendo algún antibao, aunque tampoco es imprescindible si no hay mucho calor.

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