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We have 4136 products in catalog


If you are in the province of Valladolid and want to come and see our products, please contact us by phone at 628-828-864, before we go to our warehouse,to have your arrival recorded, as we are a warehouse with exposure, but we are not a store as such.

You can visit the store, see, touch our products and buy as in any store on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 17:30 p.m.. 

** It is essential to call before coming to specify a time **

We do not have TPV for payment with credit or debit card in store**

Address and company data:

Calle Rio Ebro Nº 49
Aldeamayor De San MartÍn - 47162
Telephone 628-828-864

Shop's owner Sergio Garcia Diez with NIF 53560169T

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+34 628 828 864
Monday to FridayOpen from 11:00 to 16:45h
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