Do you want a better cadence in your shoots and a very fast trigger? If you also want to increase the power, in Vsgun we offer you a broad range of mosfets, your Airsoft replica will be the best:
- Mosfet Pico AAB Active Brake Gate: it is very easy to install, it will improve the cadence of you Airsoft replica.
- Mosfet Nano AAB Active Brake Gate: it is the smallest and the most reliable
- Ascun GEN 5 Gearbox V3/V2: improve your replica with this electronic trigger, it wont leave anybody indiferent.
- Mosfet Nano SSR Gate: this mosfet is the most modern of the Gate brand, thanks to its coating it can stand up to atmospheric conditions very well.
If you want to buy more mosfets or electronic trigger, do not hesitate to buy in Vsgun.
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