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Replicas Sale Information

Due to several questions from customers, we added the following information about the sale of replicas in our store.

** Important - If you need to buy several replicas with different names, indicate it in the comment of the order so that we can make each invoice with the name and corresponding data.

How do we send in Vsgun the replica that you buy from us?

In our company we give a great importance to test all the replicas before sending them so that the client when he arrives can enjoy it without any problem:

1 - We visually check the replica for imperfections of both materials and paint.

2 - After verifying that everything is fine, we will try to replicate the battery, trigger rate and stop the replica to see that it is giving the right fps for each type of replica, if not, we will review the replica until the solution is found.

3 - Once we passed the time, we tested the replica in our gallery of 36 meters to see that the hop up works perfectly and the accuracy and range are adequate, if not we review the replica to find the solutionn.

4 - Once this is all verified, we proceed to make the invoice of the replica with its corresponding number (all the replicas that we sell have the manufacturer's unique serial number) we also add 3 free cards of white and 3 yellow weapons for free so that the client can register your replica without any problem.

5 - We pack the replica with bubble paper so that it does not suffer any damage in its transport, we wrap it for a greater security and discretion in black paper film.

This is the whole process that we carry out in our store before sending the replicas that we sell in Vsgun.

6 - If the client, when the reply arrives, notices a malfunction of the replica or any other irregularity, please ask us to let us know so that we can solve the problem as quickly as possible.

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+34 628 828 864
Monday to FridayOpen from 11:00 to 16:45h
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