If you have doubts about what gloves to choose for your Airsoft games, in Vsgun we have made a section of products. We have gloves for winter and summer.
- Delta Tactis Gloves: Strike in Black and Tan: they are really cheap and comfortable. They are in synthetik skin and they are very soft. Buy the size that best suits your hand.
- Mechanix Gloves:
- M-Pact Fingerless: it does not cover the hand completely, it adjusts throught velcro.
- Original 0.5mm: thiner than the other one, therefore, it gives us a greater sensitivy to touch than the Original.
- M-Pact: choose the smallest size.
Availabe colours: Tan, Black and Multicam. We have several sizes. If you have any doubt about what size to buy, do not hesitate to contact us by Whatssapp or e-mail. Online orders.
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