Don´t you have an Airsoft Vest?. If you do not what vest to buy, in Vsgun we have the best selection of the best products at incredible online prices, the quality is excellent. They are adjustable through traps, you only have to choose the best one for you:
- Vest Chest Rig: it is light and it is really comfortable, for this reason it gives you mobility while you are playing at Airsoft. It has several pockets for pistol and chargers. Available in the following colours: Black, Tan, Multicam and OD Verde.
- Vest FSBE: It is perfect for players who are starting to play due to it is functional and cheap. If you do not know what vest to buy because you are new in the world of Airsoft, I recomend you this one. Available colours: Woodland, Black, Tan, Green OD, Multicam, Krypetk Mandrake, Kryptek Typhon and Highlander.
- Vest CQB: it is perfect for CQB fields. It incorporates a sleeve for gun, it has several pockets, a portwalkie, it is easy to put and remove thanks to its zipper, it is adjustable.
- Vest JPC with ballistic plates: it is the most realistic because it has incorporated Dummy ballistic plates. It is comfortable. Available: Tan, Green OD, Black and Multicam.
- Vest JPC Evolution: it has not Dummy ballistic plates. It is perfect for the winters, it has capacity up to 10 chargers. Availabe: Multicam, Black, Tan and Green OD.
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